Saturday, February 4, 2012

Won't stop me because I'm running, I'm running. . . .

February 4, 2012

It's official.

Em is now a licensed driver.

Drove herself to work yesterday.

We haven't seen her since.

Already spending the night away from home with her car and her friends.

This is going to be tough.

To soothe my aching heart over the light speed growth of my children, Stephen and I took the dog's to the farm for a much needed run.

For all of us.

Once inside the tree lined sanctuary of the private property next to farm, behind the yellow gate, we let Fynn off leash.

It had to happen sometime.

Stephen was reluctant to let Fynn the same freedom he was happy to bestow upon Em.

But I am already weary of bring dragged around by Fynn as he watches Frankie cavort freely throughout the farm.

And tries to keep up.

Knowing that snapping off the leash could well mean it was the last time we ever saw Fynn, we took the plunge.

Stephen in front, me behind in case he did another of his famous turn and runs.

I felt like a football player waiting for the quarterback to run in my direction, me on the tackle ready.

But our Fynn, realizing he was free, and also carrying husky in his genetic makeup, decided running in the woods, through the trees, bounding happily through the snow.

Frankie trying to drag him out by his collar.

As he did with Tikka.

Fynn is less than willing to play that game.

Much to Frankie's chagrin.

For the most part, the run proceeded as we expected it would.

Frankie staying within an acceptable range.

Fynn running straight ahead, out of sight.

Much to Stephen's chagrin.

But, in spite of Fynn's desire to run ahead and search out whatever may or may not have been in front of us, he did come back.

Not close enough for us to get him.

But close.

Until he encountered another dog, and stopped to sniff long enough to allow Stephen to snap the leash back on.

And by this time, he was so happy to have been able to run, he was actually almost content to be back on the leash.


We'll try again today.

Maybe letting him off a little longer.

Me with more treats in my pocket.

While I was in my office yesterday, after getting my hair done but before it was time to get Em from Service New Brunswick, talking with my TA, there was a knock on the door.

A student.

Carrying pizza.

Pizza all the way from Papa D S in Bridgewater/New Germany, Nova Scotia.

A friend and former roommate own Papa D S and this student is from New Germany, ergo when her boyfriend was coming to visit, she connected with him and my friend and voila! there is a pizza, a donair pizza in my office.

Oh. My. Gawd.

Knife included, the three of us noshed on that pizza, savouring ever, single, bite. 


Thinking about it now is making my mouth water.

But that marks my pizza consumption for a long, long time.

Unless another one is sent my way.

Thanks my dear friend.

It was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title Lyric: Running by Jully Black

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