Thursday, December 15, 2011

My superhuman might. . .Kryptonite. . .

December 15, 2011

Ten days before Christmas.

If I could be excited, I would.

But the piles and piles of paper before me are the best kryptonite for excitement I've ever encountered.

I need to consider a shield or some sort of prophylactic.

Perhaps there's something at Warehouse 13 I could use.

In spite of all my whinging and whining about Christmas, I do have to acknowledge when kindness and Christmas spirit is right in front of me.

After forgetting my bank card, and sending Stephen home to retrieve it, I took Mum to Starbucks for a coffee break.

I needed one.


While taking Mum's coat off, I remarked that I couldn't believe I had left my bankcard in my other coat pocket. 

Afterwards, I was on my way to order coffee, I was called over to the table of an older couple who asked if I needed money to purchase my mother's coffee.


I was so touched.

I thanked them profusely and then told them that before I sent my hubby home to collect my bank card, I stripped him off all his cash.

At least enough for coffee and a nibblie for my mother. 

Warmed the cockles of my heart. 

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming: marking. 

On every station until the last grade is posted. 

I gotta get better cable.

Title Lyric: Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down

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