Monday, December 12, 2011

It's Gettin' Hectic, It's Gettin' Crazy, It's Gettin' Hectic, It's Gettin' Wild.

December 12, 2011

Another Monday morning brings with it the peace and tranquility of a work week that is always, always less hectic than the weekend.

Saturday was a mix of marking interviews, raking leaves with Stephen, marking interviews, having dinner with Mum, marking interviews.

I see a pattern emerging.

Sunday was a bit more varied. 

Marking interviews, going to Quaker meeting, getting groceries, putting the groceries away, taking the dogs for a run, home to take Keith to work, pick up Em, wait for Mer so marking interviews at Starbucks, home for supper, do the dishes, marking interviews, marking interviews while Dibley demands, insists on thirty minutes of uninterrupted cuddle time, marking interviews.

Although I did manage to score a 25 pound turkey for Christmas dinner. 

Stephen had just been remarking that he wanted a REALLY big turkey this year because he's concluded from past Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners that ample leftovers are just not forthcoming.

Hence the 25 pound turkey.

Which only made me want turkey now.

Waiting for Christmas not a viable option, I simply bought a smaller turkey and roasted it last evening while I was marking interviews.

Always made more palpable by the aroma of roasting turkey wafting through the air.

And Mer, I heard what you said about my turkey.

Dry, is it?

See how much YOU get tonight.

And here we are.

Monday morning.

5.00 am, Frankie pawing for poops beside me.

Me getting ready to mark interviews.

At least until it's time to take Em to school.

And then the fun really begins.

Simply for Life first.

Next: taking Mum Christmas shopping.

Amid the hecticness of the last week of term, the endless students meetings, reading of bits and pieces of paper drafts, ministrating to Em and her stomach flu, I completely forgot that I had made plans to take Mum Christmas shopping this morning.

But she didn't.

So Saturday evening, unusually crappy-for-the-nursing-home potato salad halfway to my mouth when she said, "So you're still taking me shopping Monday morning, right?"

While my mind was spinning with all the things I had to do, marking interviews at the top of that list, I didn't miss a beat when I replied, "Well of course I am. I'll pick you up at 10.00 am, we'll get Dad's Christmas present and then we'll head someplace for lunch with really great French fries."

Because my mother LOVES French fries.

Therefore, that is what will comprise the morning portion of my program.

Followed by a couple of hours at work before collecting Em from school and heading to the mall to wait for Keith to get off work, leaving the mall to get Mer to bring all three of my chicks home for roast turkey with me and Stephen after which we will all go back to the mall to see Scorsese's Hugo for the 6.00 pm show.

Marking interview thrown in there, of course whenever time allows.

Those interviews will be returned to my intro qualitative students tomorrow morning after they write their final exam.

9.00 am to noon.

The only anticipated quiet time in the next 36 hours.


Time to resume interview marking. 

Title Lyric: It's Gettin' Hectic by Urge

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