Monday, October 31, 2011

Don't forget me, I beg. . . .

October 31, 2011

Three years ago, on day that was much like today will be, I was coming back from lunch in the cafeteria with Stephen.

We were holding hands, still talking about whatever had held our attention over lunch, making plans for the weekend.

As we walked into the door leading to the bottom floor of BMH, a colleague stopped us.

She hadn't said anything, but her face told me that something was horribly, horribly wrong.

And when she told me the words that changed everything, I stood there, clutching Stephen's hand, tears streaming down my face, saying NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over and over and I struggled to gain enough composure to get me to my office.

Today, three years later, Stephen and I still struggle with the loss of our dear friend, Friend and mentor, John McKendy.

Not a day passes that in some way he doesn't cross my mind.

From a classroom I am standing in, to words coming from my mouth, John is very much a part of my everyday life.

And recently, his dear mother, Bernadette passed away.

A woman I wanted to know so much more than I did, because everything I'd been told about her pointed to a remarkable, compassionate, caring, loving woman.

Today, I have an early morning meeting, a lunch meeting downtown.

We need chicken and vegetables from Victory. I'll get those after lunch.

The dogs need food, the leaves still need to be raked.

We didn't get the 20cms of predicted snow.

I have a mountain of papers to read, correct as much as I can, and grade.

Life still goes on.

Whether we feel it should or not.

Whether we understand how it continues, life moves forward.

Taking us with it.

All we can do now is to remember John, his life, his work, and try everyday to be better than who we were yesterday.

Title Lyric: Someone Like You by Adele

1 comment:

  1. That was really touching, Dawne.

    John taught me most of my Sociology classes while I was at STU - he definitely touched my heart and soul. What I appreciated most, was how he took the time to get to know each of his students.
    -Melissa, a former intersession student and avid reader of your blog.
