Monday, April 4, 2011

I'd lose a kilo an hour . . .

April 4, 2011

It is going to be a crazy busy week.

Simply for Life, Vet appointment, Em beginning driver's ed, Stephen's interview for the Peace Studies minor today.

Tomorrow is STEPHEN'S 50TH BIRTHDAY, which because of our crazy busy schedule we won't be able to celebrate until the weekend.

And that will be very low key as Stephen is a low key kind of guy.

Too bad he is married to a not-even-aware-of-what-low-key-means kind of girl who is STRUGGLING to keep this MONUMENTAL EVENT low key.

Yoga, three hour night classes . . .these are the things that put off celebrations until the weekend.

Wednesday is more driver's ed, bookclub and an evening meeting for Stephen.

Thursday holds some hope of a reprieve.  So far, nothing out of the ordinary is on the books, not even a child working as far as I know.

Friday, my book launch.

3.30-5.00 in the BMH Rotunda at St. Thomas if anyone is interested in attending to hear me talk about scholarly writing in a corporate university world.



Saturday, Stephen and I are going out for dinner at the Garrison compliments of my brother and perhaps a movie afterwards.

A crazy, wild 50th birthday for my man.

Coupled with the realization that this is the last full week of classes for this term this is going to be one hell of a week.

I'm tired just thinking about it.

Thankfully, for the most part the weekend was fairly relaxed and quiet.

Quiet for us, that is.

Grocery shopping and a visit to the nursing home to have dinner with Mum was Saturday.

Yesterday a lovely drive to my brother's for a nice visit. . .tea and conversation galore.

Unconditional love from his wonderful and always adorable dogs.

Even a guest appearance from one of his attention abhorring cats.

A few hours I will definitely cling to this week as things spiral out of my control.

As they always do.

Emily, on the other hand, ended up working, working, working.

She worked until 3.00 am Saturday morning.

2.00 am Sunday morning.

12-5 on Sunday.

I actually went into the theater yesterday at 5.00 pm to ensure she hadn't agreed to work another double.

Good thing.

Because getting her out of bed this morning was practically impossible.

Same for Stephen.

But I'm not talking about that.


Just got back from Simply for Life.

Another 3 pounds gone, bringing the total weight loss since the middle of October to 64 pounds.

4.5 stone if you're in the UK.

I can feel the absence of this weight albatross.

In my breathing, my walking, my ability to get in and out of chairs.

My ability to fit into some chairs.

Not driving the car by using my belly instead of my hands on the steering wheel.

Non-rolling-because-they-are-too-small panties are no more.

The staircases at home and work are no longer mortal enemies.

No more full fledged panic attacks when Stephen inadvertently put my pants in the dryer.

Causing the muffin top roll when I put them on.

I have more energy.

Less desire for sweet things.

More desire for veggies.

Not that it isn't hard work.

Because it is.

I would like nothing more than to wake up one morning at my goal weight.

Like, tomorrow morning.

But, all good things come as a result of hard work.


Walking away from the bakery section at the grocery store.

And avoiding the frozen food aisle like it has the plague.

This lifestyle change calls for one of the things I am not all that good at.

Planning ahead.

Making sure I have appropriate snacks with me at all times.

Because I never know how long something is going to take.

Or how long I may be doing something or other.

But the end result is so worth it.

Feeling a little bit better about myself each day is definitely worth walking away from my unhealthy lifestyle of days gone by.

Leaving my flag-size granny panties to the cupboard for dusting and other such cleaning related activities.

So if you see Stephen wiping down the windows with black and pink leopard-like spotted panties, you'll know why.

And moving toward the less-than-a-piece-of-Kleenex-panties.

The kind Mer wears.

And Em won't.

I don't know that I'd wear them either.

But at least I'll have the choice to.

Title Lyric: Instant Weight Loss by Sparks 

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