Thursday, January 12, 2012

At the end of the day, you've just got to say, it's all right.

January 12, 2012

Introductions are over.

My students know who I am , what I look like, what we're going to be working on over the course of the term.

Honeymoon period has now ended.

Let the coursework commence!

Not even the end of the first week and I have six reference letters to write.

Graduate school letters.

Bachelor of Social Work letters.

None for education.

At least not yet.

I hate writing reference letters.

I won't write them for just anyone.

Some criteria must be met. 

Each letter I craft is as unique as the individual who asked for the letter to be crafted.

It takes time to write a good reference letter.


My nemesis.


Coming home from a long, long day at work, I come upstairs to change from my work clothes to my jammies.

One of the favourite parts of my day.

In the process of hanging up my work clothes, I notice that the 1970s goldenrod carpet is literally slathered with cat litter.


Not so clean.

The cat litter on the carpet isn't so much the issue.

We have a litter box in our room.

Goblet's en suite.


The issue was how come there was a small mountain of cat litter in the corner of my room.

Nestled up against my closet door.

And me too tired to care until I had some supper and regained enough energy to haul the vacuum upstairs to clean it up.

Clearly my exhaustion negated the thought processes that would have automatically lead me to conclude that Stephen would find out long before I did how come there was a small mountain of shitty kitty in my bedroom.

He did.

Of course.


Frankie has, or at least had, a rawhide bone.

Unlike Tikka, who always chewed, gnawed, consumed her rawhide bones with gusto, Frankie insists on carting his around the house, dropping it here, there and everywhere. 

I'll find it under my desk.

In the gift wrap piled in the corner of the office closet. 

Stock pots. 

The toilet.

But burying it in Goblet's en suite was an entirely new one for even Frankie.

Stephen shares with me that a litter coated rawhide bone that previously belonged to Frankie was now moving into it's final resting place.

The garbage can.

Poor Frankie.

He loved that bone.

But a shitty kitty bone is just not something I'm willing to allow him to continue carting around the house.

And Goblet?

Her defiled en suite will never be the same again. 

Best of all: the return of Republic of Doyle.

Season 3.

With a guest appearance by Russell Crowe!

The lead singer from Great Big Sea. . .who happens to be friends with Russell Crowe.

The red headed guy from Grey's Anatomy.

Now that's something to wake up for, bye!

Title Lyric: Ordinary Day by Great Big Sea

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