Friday, September 2, 2011

You've got a full house. . . .

September 2, 2011

Pets are a lot of responsibility.

And sometimes that means making sacrifices for them because they didn't ask for you to bring them into your life.

You asked them.

We were supposed to go to the Hopewell Cape today.

Out by 9.00 am.

Back whenever.

But. . .

These plans were based on the assumption that Jasper, Mer's cat, would need to remain at the vet's overnight.

He's being neutered.

However, when I dropped him off at 7.15 am, I was informed that this wasn't the case.

In fact, not only will be not be staying overnight, if we don't pick him up before 6.00 pm, he'll be at the vet's until Tuesday.

Apparently, vets like to enjoy the long weekend, too.

Plus, we just couldn't afford the cost of keeping him there all weekend.

Nor should we think that's even a possibility.

That responsibility thing again.

We can go to the Hopewell Rocks another day.

And in typical Mer fashion I arrive at her building and there is no Mer standing outside with Jasper in the kitty carrier.

Why should there be?

He's just her cat.

The one she wanted, got, and had living in her house for two months before we found out.

The one for whom she can't afford vaccinations, medications, neutering.

As I already mentioned, it isn't Jasper's fault.

He certainly didn't ask to be included in the chaos of Mer's everyday life.

To make matters even more interesting, I couldn't get into her building.

Meaning I had to stand in between the doorways until someone came out so I could get in.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait long.

Her door wasn't locked when I arrived at her apartment.

Walking in, I am greeted to a sleeping Mer, Jasper beside her barely lifting his head in acknowledgement of my entry.

Making me wonder if this is something that happens frequently.

Followed quickly by I don't want to know.

All of this activity accompanied by the incessent beeping of Mer's alarm.

Kudos for trying to get up should be provided I guess.

Jasper, always happy to see "granma" got up, stretched and then came towards me purring like a well constructed car.

I scooped him into the carrier and off we went.

Mer already asleep I suspect before I even closed her apartment door.

And people wonder why I'm crazy.

Later. . .as in after I was able to go back to bed and sleep as I couldn't sleep the night before worrying I'd miss my alarm. . . .

Jasper is fine.

Neutering went very well.

But, he was coated in fleas.

He didn't have fleas when we took him to the vet a couple of weeks ago.

How he got them is a mystery to me.

Nonetheless, he's been treated for them and when I pick him up, we'll get enough Revolution to treat the other fur bearing dwellers in our abode.

I had also purchased nail caps for the vet to put on him while he was under.

Following the directions on the package, I purchased the nail size for his weight.

Because it's me, the caps were too small.

Now I have to return the caps, see if I can purchase them from the SPCA and have them adhere them to Jasper's nails, Jasper who loves to scratch at things.

Thankfully we  had the foresight to purchase a scratching post from Costco.

NOTHING is ever simple around here.

Especially if it is in any way, regardless of how small, connected to Meredyth.

All that's left is to bring him here, Revolution the other fur dwellers and wait through the process of dusting settling.


Houdini is managing quite well.

The novelty of his presence seems to be waning, even for Tikka.

Less hissing, whining and growling is filling the sound cracks in our house.

Which must mean its the perfect time to bring Jasper home.

Creating more chaos.

Why not?

Seems as if the soundtrack of my life is all about chaos and cacophony. . .I'm starting to think I'm a magnet.

I will say this.

The inn is full.

No more room for anything or anyone else at this time.

However, if you're in the market for twenty somethings who hate to clean and think everything is about them, please stop by.

Believe it or not, I am actually looking forward to going back to teaching.

It has to be less stressful than living my everyday life.


Title Lyric: Full House by Kate Bush

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