Thursday, September 1, 2011

It ain't my fault that I'm a dawg. . . .

September 1, 2011

One week from today, at this very time (10.15 am), I will be standing in front of my Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods class, sharing with them the ritual torture and punishment that will be doled out to them from September to December.

I still just want to be on the beach. Collecting sea glass. Watching Frankie frolic amid the waves, trying to catch hermit crabs, Tikka ambling beside me just content to be outside in the sunshine.

Instead, I'll be collecting the panicked sweat of students who have heard all sorts of untrue things about my courses, watching them frolic amid the confusion of what I am asking them to do, and ambling amid the delusion that those assignment due dates on the syllabus are still oh so far away.

Yesterday we brought home the newest member of our pet pack.


The photo was taken from Em's cell phone, as we still do not have our camera back in our possession.

Isn't he handsome?????

ALL white.

Piercing green eyes.

A purr that would melt your heart.

And a willingness to follow whoever around the house.

But especially Em.

Although last night, while she was at work, Houdini found himself on Keith's bed, snuggled up against Keith's leg, sleeping contentedly and happily.

Particularly when he realized that neither Frankie or Tikka have regular access to either Keith or Em's bedroom.

Because our canines and felines have had very different reactions to the introduction of our newest family member.

As the oldest pet in our little kingdom, Reilley has seen a number of pets come into our home.

And as he gets older, his willingness to adapt has decreased significantly. He has not necessarily embraced our Houdini. In fact, he's been downright inhospitable. Apparently, their first meeting, in the safety of the kitchen, resulted in lots of fur flying and a pissed off Reilley stomping upstairs to sulk in solitude.

And his sulking continued throughout the night, as he absolutely refused to even sleep on the bed with Em.

Em did not take this well.

We talked through it this morning. She understands, I hope, a bit more of the dynamics of the fight for territory that will occur over the next few days.

Goblet. . . 

. . . who was brought into our pet nest about 5 years ago and certainly carries the Domestic Diva Crown, has deigned to give Houdini a look, a glance, and was content to ignore him until he attempted to ingratiate himself by wandering into her territory and nestling himself contentedly on the Goblet box.  A box that sits on my bureau, that is actually a decorative box given to me by my Great Aunt Zita when Stephen and I married. Nonetheless, Goblet assumed it was hers and has spent the last several years watching the birds from this perch just below our bedroom window.  Houdini put himself on the top of that box to look out the window, survey his surroundings, and get a bird's eye view (no pun intended) of our bedroom. 

Across the bedroom, on top of Stephen's bureau, was a vibrating Goblet.

Literally vibrating.

With fury and rage.

But luckily, our Goblet is such a Diva that to actually get off the bureau to assert herself was just more than she was prepared to engage in.

That isn't to say that she won't punish him for his transgressions at a later date.

Because she most certainly will.


Now this was completely unpredictable.

Our toughie boy, our intense, in your face at the front door or window little man who acts like he would eat the mailman or anyone else who comes anywhere near our territory, including anyone who has the audacity to walk in front of our house on the street, spent the entire day yesterday crying and whining every time Houdini even came anywhere near him.

Like a baby.

All day.

Running to me, a look on his face that said, "Am I still your number one boy Mama? Am I?" and he has been following me all day seeking consistent reassurance that he is still my number one boy.

But who would have thought he'd turn out to be such a marshmallow.

Toughie boy indeed. . .

And Tikka.

Oh Miss Tikka.

As the second oldest pet, and easily the largest, she has not made the transition for this little cat easy. She follows him consistently, sniffing, harassing, bullying, barking at him for no reason other than she can, she will, and much like my mother, because of her age she thinks she can do whatever she wants to do.

Unfortunately, for Tikka, she never took into account that this cat may not be intimidated by her bullying tactics. And he isn't. As Tikka's snout can not attest to.  

Tikka's smart. She knows that Houdini isn't leaving. She just wanted him to know who is the boss.

And now he does.

I anticipate the dust will settle long enough to be stirred up again with the introduction, Saturday, of Jasper when he returns from the vet after being neutered.

Never a dull moment.

But I so wish there were.

Several of them.

All in a row.

Boredom, I would embrace thee if thou decidest to partake of time passing in my humble abode. 

Tomorrow, we will be making full use of our family Fundy pass with all of us, Mer, Keith, Em, Stephen and I.

The kids have all have the day off.

Rare in and of itself.

A family day together?

Maybe not so rare, but most definitely an opportunity for more adventure and excitement.

My plea for boredom, again. . .

Title Lyric: Cats and Dogs by City High

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