Saturday, July 30, 2011

Welcome to my life, tattoo. . . .

July 29, 2011

One thing about date days with Em.

She takes the "day" part seriously.

I am exhausted this morning from our adventures.

She has to work a double.

On a coldish, rainy day.

I think I'll let her sleep for another hour.

Because Em is Em, I sometimes erroneously assume that she possesses knowledge that perhaps she doesn't have.

For example, while driving to Oromocto yesterday, we had to pass the Irving Big Stop in Lincoln.

A nice, long on ramp from the Big Stop to the highway.

My mistake.

Forgetting that this was Em's first highway driving experience.

And that she didn't realize that when a car is coming down a ramp, and if it is safe (keep that part in mind) you should move into the next lane to allow them access to the highway.

When I realized that she wasn't aware of this little tidbit of info, as her road lessons have thus far only been with me or Stephen and her actual qualified driver's instruction road lessons don't start until September, I said that she needed to move into the next lane.

Knowing that she knew she was supposed to check for any traffic in the passing lane before she actually moved into it.

But she didn't.

The excitement of driving on the highway lead to a system overload.

Luckily, all she did was cut off a car from Ontario.

Which resulted in some nasty faces from the woman driving the car from Ontario.

And rightfully so.

I don't like to be cut off either.

Poor Em took the nasty to faces to heart and was deeply distressed for the remainder of our drive.

In spite of my efforts to calm her, she remained distressed for a while.

Such a sweet, caring child.

I am certain that, with years of driving under her belt, that'll change.

She did, however, redeem herself, not for me but her, when she parallel parked better than I've ever seen anyone parallel park.

On the first try.


Much better than I've ever been, or ever will be, able to manage.

My parallel parking resembles something akin to the ten point turn.

I also operate under the assumption that she knows where we're going.

Until she asked me how to get to Oromocto.

I looked at her.


And asked her what she was doing when we were taking all those trips to my parents.

Reading, she replied.

Listening to my ipod, she replied.

Anything, apparently, but watching where we were going.

Which lead me to wonder how much attention I paid to where I was going when I was younger.

And other people were driving.


After the doctor, and lunch at M&T which was, as always, delicious, Em and I moved onto our secret errand.

Scheduling tattoos.

I have a tattoo from years ago, one I got when I was in a confused place in my life, that doesn't reflect where I am now.

I want it fixed.

So I've designed a tattoo that incorporates the original tattoo into a new one that reflects my love for my family.

And when it is done, which will not be right away because the earliest appointment we could get is in September, I will put up pictures.

Presuming I have my camera back in hand by then.

I'd better.

Em is getting her first tattoo.

Perhaps she'll let me take a picture of it when she's done.

But I won't reveal what it is or how she's gone about designing it.

That would spoil the surprise.

I'm glad she's willing to share that experience with me.

Plus, if she's there, I'll have to be brave about the pain.

It's been at least ten years since my last tattoo, so I only vaguely remember the pain,

I'm sure I'll remember quick enough after the first five minutes.

There are at least two more tattoos I want after this one.

Key word: at least.

I no longer apologize for my love of tattoos.

To anyone.

Stephen knows this about me, and accepts it as part of the magic that is me.

My father, not so much.

He almost had a stroke when he saw my first one, which I had done shortly after Em was born.

He's probably thinking that the older I have gotten the more responsible I'd become.

Um. . . . . .

After hatching our diabolical plan, we headed uptown to see a movie.

Crazy, Stupid Love.

Again, again, much better than I had thought.

Much better.

So I am no longer predicting how I will respond to a film.

Because I have clearly lost my touch.


We came out of the movies at ten to four, and decided at that moment, that we would go to the Community Kitchen.

Chaos and insanity in our lives of late have made it difficult to make it to the kitchen for our usual volunteer time.

Seriously affecting my inner balance and stability.

Reflected in my writing of late.

It's easy to fall into a rut of thinking that the chaos in your kitchen, resulting from the destruction in your living room is worthy of whining and whinging and general misery.

At least I have a house.

However claustrophobic it may be right now.

And eventually it will be put back to rights

Meaning it was time to stop the pity party, and get back to engaging in the real world.

I like being at the kitchen, doing whatever I've been asked to do.


Washing up.

Cutting, chopping, grating.

All with my trusty sidekick, Emily, at my side.

Plus, the incredible boost to my self esteem when, while serving, a man on the other side of counter asks you if you've been told today.

Told what, I replied.

That you are beautiful.

Well, no, I said. My husband has failed to tell me that today.

If he doesn't, he replied, you just come to me and I'll tell you all the time.

Now, who doesn't want to hear something like that.

Even if he was a bit drunk and missing some of his teeth.

After we had finished at the kitchen, it was clear that Em was done.

Worn out.

Spending concentrated hours of time with me has that effect on people.

We made a quick stop to the Superstore to collect meds and get something for Em's supper.

Stephen had purchased salad stuff.

Em did not want salad stuff.

So, given that she chauffeured me around for the day, I stopped and got her what she wanted, as well as something for Pookie.

Who was home, hungover.

But still needed to eat.

Just not salad.

Em and I departed from our humble abode at 10.15 am.

Returning at 7.00 pm.

Like I said, a busy day.

One where I hadn't seen much of my hubby.

He was very glad to see me.

And once I told him of my ardent admirer, he reminded me that he bought me salad.

And he thought I was beautiful.

Not wanting to be outdone, he suggested we have our own little outing last evening.

I was tired, but I had missed him, and if he wanted to do something with me, who was I to refuse.

In fact,we've made plans for our own Stephen and Dawne date day next Thursday.

Just the two of us.

Like last night.

When he took me to the PetroCan to try out their new turbo vac with spot remover and scent infusion option.

Vacuuming the car.

That's my husband.

A romantic through and through.

So we reconnected over the din of the turbo vac and the scents of the soap permeating our car.

Attempting to rid the car of the detritus of everyday use.

And the five pounds of dog hair coating the back.

We removed about half of it.

Better than nothing.

I guess.

Title Lyric: Tattoo by The Who

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