Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Once again the winter's here. . .

February 8, 2011

It's only 11.56 am and it is already a banner day.


First, I am FINALLY able to wear the shirt Stephen's mother bought me for my birthday. . . in August. . .because I've lost enough weight to properly button it. 

Meaning it fits now and it didn't then.


Whether or not it actually looks any good is a wholly other issue.

One I have yet to entertain.

I can worry about that later.

Right now, I can just revel in the joy of being able to button it.

And the second reason it has been a banner day, already, is that I received 5 copies of my first published book.

Weird is the only word I can think of to describe the feeling.

And some relief.

After all the burning hoops of fire I had to jump through to get through the writing and editing and publishing process, relief is definitely being felt right now.

Although the relief does turn to nausea when I turn the book over to the author picture on the back cover.

And much like having children, no matter how painful the process is, it's something you'll do again.

That is also weird.

As yesterday was Monday and we didn't have to teach, we took the dogs for a run at the UNB Woodlot.

It hadn't been plowed, so it was a tough slog.

I enjoyed it, loved watching the dogs frolic with other dogs, watching Stephen with his 9 foot long legs breeze through the heavy, wet snow as if it weren't even there.

For him it wasn't.

For the dogs, it was just another day in paradise.

While I, as usual, am behind the three of them, with my stumpy, chubby, 2 foot long legs trudging through the snow, hair frizzy, face sweaty, legs already protesting against the oh-this-will-be-fun-won't-it mantra running through my head.

I am feeling it today.

You know that Oh-my-gawd-I-am-so-out-of-shape-and-when-did-I-get-muscles-there? feeling.

Coupled with the protesting muscles from the driveway shoveling the day before, I am hobbling around campus today.

And will probably be hobbling tomorrow, as we are, right now, in the midst of another Nor'easter, which is dumping an additional 15 cms of snow onto my driveway.

The aching muscles made themselves well known last night.

Making the late night pee parade a bit challenging.

Nothing like walking over a Tikka who absolutely refuses to move. . .

AT ALL. . .

. . .to make you realize how hard it can be to lift those sore, tired, aching muscles.

Or a Frankie, who has managed to get up on your bed while you slumber, (with the help of your husband), and who insists on sleeping against you, to make you realize how hard it can be to simply turn over in your bed.

Insists on sleeping against me.

Never against Stephen.

Never on his side of the bed.


Always me.

I'm all for being loved, but if you're in the way when I stumble to the bathroom for my late night voiding, or you prevent me from being comfortable and properly under my blankets in my own bed, I may become a tad bit crabby with you in the morning.

The Pasta e Lenticchie turned out very nicely.

Here's a link to the recipe:


I added some cilantro, and instead of a Parmesan rind, I added Parmesan.

And I learned that I need to wait to add the Parmesan until the boiling part is over.

I didn't add all the additional olive oil, because olive oil has 120 calories per tablespoon, and I didn't think that was necessary.

It was good, though.

Really good.

Something I'll definitely make again.

And more of it, because I think it's one of those recipes that will freeze really, really well.

Title Lyric: While I Shovel the Snow by The Walkmen

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