Monday, February 7, 2011

From small things, mama, big things one day come. . .

February 7, 2011

Stephen has joined Simply for Life.

We are now a lifestyle changing couple.

He wants to lose about 40 pounds.

It's a little weird sharing my meeting times with Stephen, but it isn't a bad thing.

I plan on having him around for a VERY long time, therefore, I must be willing to do whatever I have to do to keep him around, healthy, here with me.

Because I hate housework.

Plus I kinda like him.

A lot.

Keeping him around is my primary objective.

Yesterday was about cleaning the driveway.

It was supposed to be about visiting my brother, but the snowstorm put that option on the backburner.

Needing to see Jerry on a weekly basis, if not more often, is as important to me as eating and breathing.

So I wasn't very pleased that I couldn't get out there.

Today is about feeling the pain that resulted from cleaning the driveway.

The back deck.

The front step.

The garbage dolly path.

Pookie's pot path.

No path to underneath the back deck means smoking on the front step.

I am open minded.


But not THAT open minded.

Neither are my neighbours.

And I like most of my neighbours, so upsetting them isn't on the agenda.

Before the shoveling was the fueling of the body for shoveling.

Victory had fresh turkeys on sale for 1.89 a pound.

So, at 8.30 am, I put this gorgeous, 12 pound turkey in the oven, along with sweet potatoes and white potatoes.

By noon, the house was infused with the smells of roasted turkey.


Absolutely heavenly.

To accompany this turkey, I had turnip, carrots and cauliflower.

A feast for bodies that would spend the afternoon moving heavy, wet, packed snow.

Keith was with us, but Em, who has been home for the last few days, sick, stayed inside to manage the kitchen cleanup, post turkey dinner.

I wouldn't be so cruel as to take her outside to shovel the driveway.

But I wasn't adverse to her cleaning up the kitchen, containing the leftovers, loading the dishwasher.

Because there was no way I was going to clean the kitchen after shoveling the driveway.

Today is about marking the papers I haven't finished marking.

Taking the dogs for a walk.

Going to the UNB Bookstore.

Trying to infuse some normality into my day.

And making dinner. . .a recipe I saw last week from the Kitchen Boss.

The Cake Boss cooking things that are not cakes.

But still look really, really good.

Pasta e Lenticchie.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

And how many modifications I have to make to keep it healthy.

Hopefully very few.

I am so excited! I love cooking new things!

Enjoy the small things.

Because sometimes that's all there is.

Title Lyric: From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come) by Bruce Springsteen

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