Monday, February 6, 2012

Smack that, til you get sore. . . .

February 6, 2012

I napped this afternoon.

Not for long. . .just an hour. 

When you get up at 5.00 am, napping is essentially a given.

Of course, Jasper loves napping with Grammie.

Snuggled up tight, close, his little motor lulling both of us into a much needed, much deserved power slumber. 

All was well up until we were awakened by the loving machinations of Fynn, who thought joining us on the bed would be welcomed by everyone.

I was fine with it.

But he scared the shit out of Jasper when he landed on the bed with a thud,  who immediately leaped into the air, hissed, and arched his back so high I thought he was going to pop a joint.

And then marched off the bed in haughty indignation.

Only to return about 20 minutes later.

I scooped him up as I always do, called his Jaspit, Grammie's Baby Boy Kitty and then put him gently on the bed.

Where Fynn was still laying, having not moved a millimeter.

Jasper, now on the bed and feeling all Big Boy Kitty confidently walks over to Fynn, smacks him across the snout with his little Jasper paw and then turns around, walks away, tail high, large and in charge, having regained both his pride and dignity at taking a stand against the belligerent canines who think, apparently, that because of their size they can do what they want when they want to whomever they want and damn the consequences. 

Not any more. 

Jaspit has spoken.

I may need another nap, a much, much longer one when I get home later. 

Ellie Em's Elantra had it's Merry Christmas/Happy Birthday servicing today.

To the tune of $840.00.

And another $400.00 to go.

She no longer squeaks, the fluids are full and soon, the Check Engine light will be repaired.

But still no heater.

The blower motor thingie needs replacing, is considered a "special order part" because the car is 12 years old and they wouldn't order the 350.00 part until half of the cost of the part was put down.

Hyundai always makes me feel violated.

But given the age of the car, there really isn't anywhere else to take her. 

Because whoever works on her would still have to order the parts from Hyundai.

Cause that car has to last Miss Em at least 5 years, and that means no second hand parts.

New ones only.

The other $400.00 Em is chipping in half.

Time to learn that the freedom she has recently, joyfully embraced comes at a cost.

An expensive one.

Our hope is that once all these repairs have been made, the car will be good to go.

When we dropped it off this morning, I had a little "chat" with the guy at the counter about just how I felt taking the car there for repairs.

I shared with him tales of the thousands of dollars of needless repairs we were told we needed to spend on our last car, a Sonata.

I shared with him that the car was there VERY MUCH against my will and that if there was even the hint of a scam, I would be dealing with it.

In Dawne style.

I am, at this moment, contemplating taking the bill to another dealership for a second opinion, to make sure I haven't been scammed. 

When we left this morning, Stephen said he thought I scared the counter guy.

After the counter guy took $850.00 of my money, which included an unexpected $175.00 charge for a "special order part", and we were walking out of the service department, I said to Stephen, I know I scared him.


Stay scared.

Because I am so watching you. 

Title Lyric: Smack That by Akon

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