Sunday, October 2, 2011

Are your shoes too tight?

October 2, 2011

I am satisfyingly tired this morning.

The kind of tired resulting from having my brain stimulated with exciting new thoughts and ideas.

From being with like minded people, interested in the same things I am.

And ending the day with a sumptuous meal at The Blue Door?

Well that was just the icing on the cake.

The day started with the driving of Keith to work and the delivery of our new-to-us living room furniture.

We now have a seven foot couch and two matching chairs.

All of which has made Keith and Em very, very happy.

Because apparently, the watching of television is enhanced by the position in which one watches television.


Of course, I was almost late for Jeff Ferrell's workshop.

Stephen, who was supposed to attend with me, had to shift his plans to attend another function.

The installation of St. Thomas' first female president.

Which was scheduled for the same day as the workshop.

Stephen was asked by his MA Alma Mater, the University of Manitoba, to present their Welcome to the World of Presidentdom to President Russell.

Not an uncommon practice.

Universities will determine if there is a faculty member who can stand in for them in the event that the president of their university is unable to attend.

And for Manitoba, that's Stephen.

So while I was getting into my workshop comfy clothes, Stephen was putting on his white shirt, tie, dress pants, suit jacket, and very-uncomfortable-and-not-worn-often dress shoes.

Stephen despises dressing up.

Even though he looks very, very handsome when he does, let me tell you.

And because he despises it, he drags his feet.

Which made me almost late, because I had to stop at my office before the workshop to get my copy of Ferrell's Empire of Scrounge so he could sign it for me.


I am that person.

Wants signed books whenever she can get one.

Imagine my frustration driving with Stephen to the university, knowing I was going to be late, and for once actually caring that I was going to be late.

Not the most pleasant drive we've ever had.

Rushing up the stairs, I get to the third floor, and for whatever reason they hadn't started so I wasn't technically late.

And then a CBC Radio person wanted to interview me.

Hear the opening discussion of the lecture.

Hear the sound of my own voice coming over CBC airwaves.

Guess which one I picked?

Who doesn't want to hear the sound of their own voice saying things that seem remotely intelligent?

Plus, it was a five minute interview.

And so long as it's radio and not television, I will listen.

Because tv really does make you look heavier.

And in my case, a LOT heavier.

The workshop was amazing!

So many new ideas and thoughts running around in my head right now.

New directions for previously collected data and stuff I've just recently started working on.

Pages and pages of notes to transcribe and expand upon.

I could have sat there for another three hours.


And then afterwards, dinner at The Blue Door.

A bit more than we could afford, but, we'll manage if only for the opportunity for further great conversation.

And it was.

The food was fabulous. . .I had butter chicken. . .OH. MY. GAWD.

Around 8.30, though, my maternal conscience started singly loudly and I accepted that it was probably time to head home.

Em had been home all day by herself, as Keith worked from 10.00 am to 12.30 am the next day.

I was home for about an hour in between the end of the workshop and the beginning of dinner.

And we came home to a cranky Em, a limping Reilley and no discernible means of comforting either one.

So I went to bed and started reading the 1957 novel, Cape Fear.

Even my superpowers have a limit.

Title Lyric: Are Your Shoes Too Tight by The Storm

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful ending to a fantastic day. Like I've heard many times growing up.. "the kids are old enough to take care of themselves."
