Saturday, September 17, 2011

Better to sit back and go with the flow. . . .

September 17, 2011

The days of Stephen and I sharing a cell phone have passed.

When we first got our plan, the idea of sharing a cell phone was most appealing.

What happens in our lives that we would each need a phone? we thought as there were attempts to cajole us into succumbing to a phone, each.

Stalwartly we stood our ground against the tide of customer service whose sole purpose is to coax and convince us into purchasing products we don't need or want.

Oh how the times have changed in the past year.

The last two weeks alone have provided enough evidence that the time has come for Stephen to have a phone of his own.

Not a new phone.

No interest in that.

Just sole proprietorship of the phone we've been sharing for the past year.

He likes the phone.

Knows how to use it.

Buttons are big enough for his man sized hands.

So the hour at Telus necessary to add a new phone to our plan fell to me.

And we all know how much I love spending time at Telus.

I have, however, cultivated a friendship with one of the Telus employees, meaning I trust him.

He's never steered me wrong.

And when I say no, I don't need that additional feature, or that extra insurance, he listens.

Besides, any person who puts up with our family's cell phone controversies and constant matters needing attention has to be a stand up guy.

So now I'm in possession of an IPhone 3.

Sort of like a toddler driving a Lamborghini.

One of the commitments I made to myself over the summer was to make sure I spend three days a week writing.

Academic writing.

Even if it's only an hour.

And as much as I love writing my blog, it doesn't count towards promotion and publication.

But it does keep me writing, which has spurned a desire to write in other venues, other forums.

I have a lot I want to say.


Yesterday morning, after dropping Em off to school, I headed to Starbucks.

Good lighting.

Electrical outlets, albeit not enough but at 8.30 am that doesn't seem to be much of a concern.

Most importantly.

Venti mild coffee.

Perhaps a blueberry scone. . . .just once a week, though.

Second most important. . .no internet connection.

Lots of people get internet connections in Starbucks.

For me, however, this seems to be a significant issue.

I have no idea what to do to engage my wireless outside of the house.

A good thing, really, that I'm so technologically challenged.

The end result was three single spaced pages that will form a framework that will eventually morph into a full fledged, ready-to-submit-to-a-journal article.

Other than blogging, I can't remember the last time I wrote three pages in a morning.

Writing is challenging for me.

At least academic writing.

And in my profession, for promotion purposes, it's the only writing that counts.

If blogging was the road to full professorship, I'd have been there long before now.

Em and I are off to the market this morning.

She was unable to attend last week's festivities as she was working, so I promised her that we'd go this morning.

Just the two of us.

Stephen can manage about one market visit every few months.

Keith is working.

So I may have another market visit with him next week to make up for his inability to attend today.

Mer worked until 3.30 this morning.

I may not see her again until sometime next week.

And it's 6 degrees outside right now.

PERFECT market conditions.

I really, really love fall!

Our first full week of the new term has ended.

Everyone is still in one piece.

Em in school every day.

Stephen and I getting through each lecture.

Me almost convincing my students I know what I'm talking about.

Acting always was a passion, you know.

No major bumps, unless you count the-class-that-refused-to-read, but other than that, there were no significant traumas, no tragic issues. . .

But it is only the first week.

Twelve more to go.

Title Lyric: These are the Days of Our Lives by Queen 

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