Saturday, July 2, 2011

I got cabin fever it's burning in my brain . . .

July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day.


I said it.

Canada Day has never been that big of a deal for me.

Other than one of the few days where I am not at all obligated to do anything.

Perhaps if EVERYONE was able to have the day off I may feel differently.

But all sorts of people have to work on Canada Day to ensure that those who do have the day off can enjoy it as much as they want.

Kind of unfair, really.

I wandered around the house today taking pictures of things in and around the house that would be nice for my mother's digital picture frame.

After a week of 500 photos, she's more than likely ready for some new additions.

My Mum and her sister.

They're 16 years apart.

Emily at nine months.

Frequently, people would stop us just because her eyes were so stunning.

Once, during a trip to the Toronto Zoo we were followed by a flock of Middle Eastern men who wanted to take her picture.

They were very persistent.

My maternal instincts kicked in and I made sure they understood there was no way they were taking her picture.

Later, when I told a friend about this event, she remarked that they were probably fascinated by her eyes, and meant her no harm.

I never thought they meant her any harm.

But my maternal instincts didn't think this was the case at all. 

Meredyth in grade one.

So adorable.

So cute.

So entertaining.

All the things she is now.

And then some.

I wish I could go back and do things differently.

Much, much differently.

Pookie in grade one.

The adorable blond hair.

The sweet cheeks.

A time when I was the most important person in his world.  

The simpler days.

When all he needed was a me to remind him that I was able to take care of everything.

Not so now.

I wish.

My Mum.

I don't know how old she was.

But obviously quite young.

Sometimes I think I look like her.

Em wasn't working today, although she was asked if she wanted to take a shift.

Keith also didn't work and was in no shape to take a shift.

I knew the extent of his physical condition when Stephen came down the stairs with two empty cans of Chef Boyardee with a spoon sticking out of one of them.

Didn't even bother to heat them up.

Like I said, rough shape.

Because Em wasn't working, she made plans.

Plans that included me.

And because today was one of those rare days when I wasn't obligated to do anything, I was more than happy to participate in her plans.

Of course, plans with Em include Em acting as chauffeur.

Which also means Em is in charge of the radio.

I know more Lady Gaga lyrics than I care to.

I may forget how to drive by the time February arrives.

When Em is allowed to take her road test.

First part of her plans for the day: out for lunch.

Her treat.

Swiss Chalet.

Who was I to say no to such a generous offer?

Actually, I tried.

Because I felt guilty that Em wanted to spend what little money she had by buying me lunch.

Em, however, can be very insistent.

So I acquiesced.

And splurged.

Chicken quesadilla with Caesar salad.

And diet Pepsi.

Living on the edge.

That's me.

After lunch, we headed to the theaters for a movie.

We were scheduled to go last evening, but Em did take someone's shift, 8.00 pm-1.30 am.

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon.

Action was very exciting.

But the movie wasn't as good as I'd hoped.

A bit too long.

But John Malkovitch and Francis McDormand made it somewhat more tolerable.

I returned to the car before Em and noticed that we had company.

As soon as I took the picture he scampered to the roof of the car.

Good thing.

Em has a terrible affliction.


Although had he remained, I may have been allowed to drive my car home.

Before lunch and movies, however, my cousin's husband was very gracious in offering to put the new licence plates on Em's car.

She wanted conservation plates.

I think she just wanted to make the car hers and absolutely hers.

Unfortunately, Stephen's attempt to remove the original plates, the plates that had been on for eleven years, the plates that suffered through more winter days than I've had hot dinners, and the bolts that shared in the crazy days of the car before Em received it were as rusty and corroded as you can imagine they were.

When Stephen removed the front licence plate it was only because the tops of the bolts snapped off.

Leaving the bottom part of the bolt firmly embedded in the front bumper.

After that, he didn't even bother tackling the back plate.

Meaning we had to call upon the expert skills of my cousin's husband.

And he graciously completed the task.

On a holiday no less.

That's family.

Making sure that 17 year old Em isn't driving around the city with plates on her car that do not match the plates listed on her registration.

Because that simply isn't legal.

We do have another issue with Em's car.

The "Check Engine" light is still on.

It isn't the gas cap.

Or the gas.

It isn't blinking.

Which is when we're really supposed to worry.

So we're not sure what to do.

Leave it?

Or deal with it?

Or wait until something really bad happens?

With our luck, option three will occur no matter what we want to do.

After sitting all afternoon, I was very cagey when we got home.

Desperate for movement.

I had done yoga yesterday, because it wasn't very nice out.

Oddly enough though, the sun made an appearance by the time I was ready to go outside and do something.

Stephen was preparing to take the dogs to the farm.

So I thought I'd just go along with him.

However, I was wanted.

Stephen said he was hoping for some "downtime" because while I was dining out and seeing movies, he was hard at work at home reading about nursing homes for his doctoral proposal.

I understood.

He packed the dogs into the car, and headed to the farm.

I grabbed the camera, my ipod and headed out for a walk around our neighbourhood.

Always good exercise as we live in an area with lots of hills.

Great for cardio.

And for pictures.

As I started my journey, I came across this absolutely wonderful shed.

So, so creative.

I can barely paint stick people.

There are lots of trails and woodlands around where I live.

As I was walking along one of them, I spotted a bunny.

This was as close as I was able to get.

The bunny wasn't my only four legged encounter.

This little kitty greeted both at the beginning and the end of my walk.

Very affectionate.

And good at staying where it belonged.

I was worried it would follow me.

But it didn't.

Just as well.

Stephen has put a moratorium on more pets.

Our vet bill Thursday was $438.00

Tikka's recurring ear/itching issues.

The cat's vaccinations.

Expensive things, these pets.

So, at least until the shock of the vet bill wears off, I'll keep my mouth shut about any more pets.

But this kitty is so cute!

Most people in the area where we live have gardens.

I don't know the names of some of these, but if you do, please let me know.

Several of these would look lovely in my gardens.

I do know what these are.

Now this one really intrigues me.

And is definitely something I could see in my yard.

I think it's absolutely gorgeous and actually trespassed to get the pictures.

Open. . . .
Closed. . .

Lots and lots of trails are also available for your walking, biking, dog walking pleasures.

Long, short they're all over the place.

Unfortunately, there are always lots of unwanted things on these trails.

Including Wal-Mart.

It really is everywhere.

And when I came home, loving, happy greetings from my favourite canines.

We actually arrived home at the same time.

And now, it's well after midnight.

I did see the fireworks.

Video was taken.

Too tired for much more for now.

These holidays are exhausting.


Title Lyric: Cabin Fever by The Muppets

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