Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'll get most everything i wanted, except for Farrah Fawcett . . . .

August 11, 2011

Vacation Countdown: 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am starting to worry, though, because Black's has yet to call about the return of my camera.

Which means I'll be requesting a loaner if it isn't here before I leave.

Request may be a bit gentle for what I will do if I don't have a camera for my vacation.

The big news?


And, at least at this minute, we don't have to pay the $250.00 deductible.

Yesterday the "cleaning woman" came over.

Keith remarked on the obvious when he said it was rather ironic that men did all the managing, administering and repairing, and this one woman was present only when we were packing the breakables and the final cleanup needed to be done.

She was here ALL morning.

She cleaned up things I didn't even know needed cleaning.

One of the many reasons Stephen does all the cleaning.

She hadn't even finished cleaning when this big truck is backing into the driveway.

Containing our furniture, Persian rug, etc.

Oh Happy Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rug rolled out, all the heavy pieces brought in, arranged where we wanted them, and for the first time in a month, I was able to sit down and watch television.

It took five minutes for me to realize there was nothing on.

But at least I had to choice to determine there was nothing on, and to decide if I wanted to sit there just because I could.

Frankie was on the couch within seconds of my butt hitting the cushion.

The couch that will soon be on its way to my brother's house.

So I'd better enjoy it while I can.

We still have knick knacks to put around the living room and pictures to return to the walls, but at least we can sit in there, watch the news, and Em has her place of rest and relaxation back.

Meaning Keith should no longer feel as if he is a stranger in his own room.

Yesterday afternoon Mer and I went to see The Help:

Brilliant film.

Definitely worth seeing if you can.

But at least a five hanky film.

At least that's how many I used.

I tried reading the book previously, but for some reason stopped at the halfway point.

I've restarted it.

In fact, it was such a good film that Mer and I, along with Stephen, Keith and Em saw it this afternoon.

Stephen isn't a film goer in the same way I am, but, he was gracious about it and acquiesced to my request.

I admit, I was surprised.

Our last film experience left Stephen saying a moratorium on film going was necessary.

The cause of the moratorium?

The Change-Up.

Em convinced us to see it Sunday evening.

Not a film I would ever see again.

Or recommend to anyone under 18 or over 25.

At least not on the big screen.

For whatever reason, there were a lot of boobies in this film

A lot.

Em and I were so uncomfortable, for ourselves and for Stephen.

But, if you can get through the first part, the second part of the film isn't that bad.

Unfortunately, you only come to this conclusion after reflecting on the film.

Most of the first part I spent wondering if I just shouldn't leave.

Seeing The Help for the second time this afternoon was just as good.

The only difference?

I didn't cry quite as much, but when I did cry, I cried.

Stephen and I sat together with our venti Starbuck's in hand

The kids sat in front of us, cradling their NYF trays, laden with fries, poutine, hotdogs, soda.

I didn't buy it.

I wouldn't.

And I was very glad they sat in front of me instead of beside me.

Because that would be more temptation than I could manage on a rainy Thursday.

The only stain on our afternoon's movie viewing experience were the two women sitting behind us.

One woman, throughout the entire film, provided a running commentary of what she was seeing and how she felt about what she was seeing.

It took everything I had to not say anything to her.

Although I did turn around at one point and look at her.

Not that it made much difference.

The commentary just continued.

Coupled with the peanut gallery trio in front of us, the one I had to, a couple of times, interrupt, the movie going experience was not as great as it usually is.

But the film was certainly worth it.

The kids have been involved in the annual Empire Theaters Employee Scavenger Hunt.

Well, Keith and Em.

Mer was participating on a team, however, with other commitments it was more than she could manage and still hold on to what little sanity she has right now.

Em decided as soon as she was put on a team and got the 172 item list of things to collect that she was going to win.

I never realized how competitive my little Bunny is.

And she is determined to win.

The second she came home from the Scavenger Hunt meeting, she was running around the house collecting up the things she could that would count towards her team's points.

Each team of four is given a day off together to engage in those scavenger hunt activities that require pictures, videos and for the team to be together.

Keith was out all day Tuesday.

And I mean for 12 hours.

He returned home sunburnt, but happy, having thoroughly enjoyed the antics he and his fellow Empire employees got up to during the day.

Em's was yesterday.

It rained all day.

But that didn't seem to dampen their team spirits as when I arrived home the movie with Mer, Em and her teammates were coming out of the house and the next thing I knew I was taking pictures of people in Frankie's pool, and later heard of a video that involved Tikka and a sheet and her poor performance as Lassie.

I can't imagine what that was about.

But I want copies of all the pics and videos.

Oh yes I do.

And maybe I'll even put some up here, if I get the appropriate permission.

When we came back from the movies this afternoon, Em cooked up a pan of green scrambeled eggs, the sight of which may prevent me from eating for the rest of the day.

And then she fried up an entire container of Spam.

The smell is hovering in the kitchen like a malicious and diabolical cloud.

Meaning I will not eat again for the rest of the day.

Keith ate an entire can of Spam on Wednesday.

When he returned home, I had some concerns regarding whether or not he'd be able to hold onto said Spam.

I don't know if he did or didn't.

And I don't want to know.

One of the items on the list is a poster of Farrah Fawcett.

I immediately thought of this one, as it was plastered everywhere during the 70s.

If you have one and can get it to me before Saturday, please do.

I'll get it back to you asap.

You can't imagine how hard it is to find one.

Title Lyric: Farrah Fawcett by Super Deluxe

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