Monday, May 2, 2011

As I crawl out of the abyss. . .

May 2, 2011

I am still in the process of clawing my way out of the abyss.

The marking abyss.

Friday evening, sitting on the love seat, making my way through the group papers of my advanced methods class.

All weekend, in my office Saturday and Sunday by ten am, leaving only to eat and get groceries before the kids started eating one another.

In addition to my valiant efforts to end one term, was the preparations for the next term.

Beginning in 13 minutes.

Because the weight and strength of all the marking just isn't enough in my life, we had to deal with a major catastrophe.

BOTH computers in our house, at least the ones Stephen and I use, decided that they'd had enough of our increasing demands and our insistence on neglecting their needs, and both just quit.

Okay, Stephen's quit several weeks ago, and we had been making due by sharing my laptop.

And then Saturday morning, while waiting for Keith and Em to get ready for work, planning my next blog posting, my little laptop that could started refusing me access to the internet.

THE only page I could get insisted that I pay $60.00 for an anti-virus program.

And when I didn't, it just stopped working.

Now, the irony in all of this is that Stephen had been using the laptop far more than I had.

Stephen used his own desktop far more than I ever did.

See a pattern?

Consequently, my laptop is, right now, on its way to be diagnosed and repaired.

Hence why I had to spend all weekend at work.

Because grades can only be submitted electronically at this university.

Also, because when things are in chaos, what's a little more added to the boiling pot, Em had a paper due Monday.

A paper that needed to be researched, typed, printed.

All things requiring a computer.

So, Saturday, after she finished work, I dropped her off at my office to work on her paper while I was with Mum.

Sunday, after grocery shopping and supper, she and I returned to my office so she could finish her paper and I could finish my syllabi for today.

Intersession is a necessary evil at this point in my life.

However, the benefit of it is that I can test out new material, try out new films, in preparation for the September term.

Which is why I was in here last evening until ten pm.

But, Em's paper was completed and printed.

My syllabi were completed, printed and copied.


I am holding on until June.

I did manage to get to the nursing home Saturday evening.

Not in time for supper, but at least for a visit.

I took marking with me.

At this moment, I have one set of exams and papers, for my intro crim last, remaining.

Meaning that tomorrow evening, I will be marking, marking, marking, and every other evening this week until it is all done and the grades are in.

Just in time to collect the first set of assignments from the intersession classes.


I am hanging on by my fingernails until June.

Or at least until yoga at 5.15 pm.

Title Lyric: I Am the Plague by Pest

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