Friday, March 25, 2011

Cup of chowder, corn, cake, or creamed cauliflower cause I'm waiting for the dinner bell to do the bell thing. . . .

March 25, 2011

Early morning yoga was completely and utterly worth it!

The entire day I felt energized.


Able to handle whatever the day tossed at me.

Which is important, as often, my days are nothing but dealing with things flying around me.

Last night, yoga with Stephen.

Teaching him how to self-relax may be the best thing he ever learns.

Because I can't be there all the time.

Can I?

If one person doing yoga at 5.30 in the morning confuses the dogs, two people doing it at 7.30 at night makes them almost apoplectic.

Including Daddy in the stretching and breathing to the really weird music was just about more than they could handle.

When we did laying down poses, our faces were assaulted with wet tongues.

Not each others, unfortunately.
Tikka even pawed me a couple of times.

Probably to check to see if I was still living.

More likely she was signalling for me to get my ass off the floor because she needed to poop because didn't I notice she ate all her supper like a good girl and that always means going outside so why the hell was I lying on the floor when the outside and her bowels were calling her???????

Frankie took a if-you-can't-beat'em-join'em attitude, and rolled over onto his back, feet in the air, his favourite don't-I-look-absolutely-adorable-so-why-aren't-you-rushing-too-coo-and-cuddle-with-me position.

Standing up poses were a catalyst for canine frolicking.

Stephen and in front of one other, the space between us became the battleground for our attention.

Frankie trying to pull Tikka's collar off.

Tikka trying to keep Frankie from taking her collar off, because once it is off, she is loath to let you put it back on her.

And here's me trying to teach Stephen to center, relax and ignore.

But if can achieve all three amid cavorting canines, he can do it anywhere.

Meredyth FINALLY had one day off in a stretch of eight, so she came over for dinner last evening.

Keith and Em were both working.

It was very nice to spend some time with her, although I will admit, somewhat ashamedly but not without cause, that I was waiting for her to drop some bomb or other.

Some issue that needs addressing.

Something she's done . . . . 

or not done that needs intervening.

She isn't always that keen about spending time with just me and Stephen.

I can't imagine why.

We're always so calm and well balanced.

But all was well.

She fed the dogs, helped with dinner and afterwards, while Stephen and I were doing our yoga, she disappeared into Keith's room to interface with his Mac.

I wanted her to yoga with us.

Other than Stephen, I can't think of another person who needs to learn how to self-relax.

Sans herbs.

But she was more interested in checking to see if a certain person of the male persuasion sent her a message on Facebook.

So Stephen and I yoga-ed alone.

Well, alone with the dogs.

I'd like to have her over again, soon.

On her own, without her brother to add fuel to her always burning flames of energy, and lacking Em's "I-can't-believe-she-just-did/said-that-stare". . . .

. . . .which can happen frequently throught dinner. . .

. . . .so much so that I worry her face will freeze like that. . . .

. . . .spending time with  Mer was a very pleasant experience.

Title Lyric: Dinner Bell by They Might be Giants

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